Wendy Tremayne
6 min readJul 26, 2019

Now What? Life After The Mueller Testimony

My social media feed is strangely quiet in terms of aftershock from Mueller’s testimony. Maybe this is a good sign. I wonder if people are considering. Since the media tends to clump ideas and reduce complex issues to talking points and sound bites I thought that I’d do something only a human can, share my thoughts in spite of the fact that I am neither politically astute nor particularly well educated about world affairs. On the contrary I’d rather be thinking about art or be outside in nature but these days demand that I pay attention to whatever degree that I can to what is going on between politicians…

Wendy Tremayne

Author, The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living (Storey 2023); Co-Producer and Co-Host, The Way of The Innernaut (podcast)