Wendy Tremayne
5 min readMay 5, 2018

The Snobbery of Light

A Google search reveals a snob to be, “a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people.” I wonder how having an ideal is different, or do the concepts interlock?

My treasured moment comes in hazy recollection, a fleeting instant of intimacy with air and light. The air, being lit by a luminous ray cast from the sun produced for a moment, into the nothingness, an optical impression of wide opaque bands and levitating orbs that bounced in space towards the infinite. I measure my life experiences by this abstraction which leaves me feeling gypped. The optical…

Wendy Tremayne

Author, The Good Life Lab: Radical Experiments in Hands-On Living (Storey 2023); Co-Producer and Co-Host, The Way of The Innernaut (podcast)